One of the words I have been introduced to since being back at Hope Church is the word "WIN". Our team constantly asks each other "what are the huge wins in your ministry?" By doing this, we are reminded about God's promise to us in the great commission, that he would be with us in every part of the journey on making disciples.
Here are a few WINS for Layne and I...
- As of January 1, my father, Frank Tomaselli has accepted God's invitation to be a part of our launch team in Hilo as we prepare to plant Ohana Church. My father led me to Christ as a young boy, and planted a church in the same area of Hilo 25yrs ago. Praise God!
- We have connected with a person of peace on the Big Island who is in connection with new Christ Followers from Osaka, Japan. This nation has been on our hearts and we have been praying for them and a possible connection to begin church plants and reaching the 99% lostness in Japan.
- Our sending church, Hope Church has already committed and planned out dates on when they will join us in Hilo to help us in mission work in 2014. I love them!
- We have had a few churches verbalize their financial partnership with OC. This is huge!
- We have had multiple small groups in our church adopt OC as a mission.
- We have over 300 people all over the world praying for Hawai'i, the Pacific, and the World. Our prayer strategy has been life changing for us. We thank God for our Prayer coordinator Kandy Smith for being sensitive to God's call in this area. Thank you Kandy.
- My wife and I were blessed to save enough money to travel to Hawai'i this April to do a vision tour. We learned so much on stewardship through this few months of saving. What a WIN!
Lastly, we are looking forward to our vision trip to Hawai'i and we would like to invite people to partner with us on this journey. Our trip will cost us an extra $2000-$3000. Our resources in the Islands are limited, so we are asking our partners to prayerfully consider giving towards this trip. This would cover travel while we are on the Big Island, and Oahu. It will also cover meals, room and board, and other related ministry opportunities. We plan to prayer walk the islands, and connect with as much of people as we can. Part of that cost will also cover OC handouts that communicates our vision.
If God is leading you to give, you can do it in two ways...
- Mail a check to Hope Church, Attn: Pastor Zeke Tomaselli, Memo: Ohana Church, at 870 E. Cactus Rd. Las Vegas, NV. 89183
- Give online at
- Go to link
- Fill out your info
- In PAYMENT INFORMATION: Go to Fund, scroll/click on Ohana Church.
- Make payment
Just last May, God gave us a vision for church planting in Hilo and through out the world. We are living it now. God bless you all for your time, energy, and resources. You all are a blessing to Layne and me.
Mahalo Nui Loa,
Pastor Zeke
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