Monday, July 30, 2012

The Journey of His Faithfulness

Well, as I sit here our moving truck is completely packed - in one day, thanks to some amazing friends - and we are set to leave Tennessee on Wednesday headed to Las Vegas for one year of church planting training then on to Hawaii.

I am so amazed at how God moves! I remember when we first got to Carthage. I remember when our house here was as bare as it is now. I remember knowing very few people, and starting out on this new journey God had called us to. Now, as I look back I am thankful for all He taught us. It hasn't been easy. We have been through, and will go through again, some rough seasons in ministry, but God is faithful!

Right now I am sitting in the basement of a house that God provided for us! Ministry has taken place within the walls of this home! I am so thankful for the lessons learned in hearing my mom say over and over again "This house isn't ours, it's His! It is a tool for ministry." I have been able to see that in this home! I am listening to the sounds of a washer and dryer run. The first appliances Zeke and I ever bought as a couple! I remember thinking "I cannot believe we bought this!" But God provided! I hear the dishwasher running upstairs - this will be hard to part with (: - that was a Valentine's gift from Zeke because we had gone almost 2 years without one! But God provided for that! He has absolutely blessed us beyond what we can comprehend!

I think back to today and how we went to pick up our rental truck, and because they didn't have the car dolly ready, they gave us a discount on the whole rental! Which pretty much covers one of the many fill-ups we will have to do between here and there! I think about how packing the truck started a little slow, but within minutes we had so many people in our house packing, loading, and cleaning. How even the lunch that we were going to provide for those who helped ended up being provided to us! He is so faithful! I think about the fact that clothes that didn't need to be packed on the truck, got packed on the truck, but in a couple loads of laundry I had kinda slacked on we have what we need to make it there! The same goes for towels and blankets! He is so faithful!

It is easy at a time like this to get overwhelmed with all that will be missed - and please don't misunderstand me, there is a cost involved for those who are Christ followers! There are birthdays we will miss, but there are also birthdays we will get to celebrate! There are big life events we will miss, but there are also big life events we will get to be part of. There are people, places, and things that will be missed, but we have been called by a faithful God to go, so we will go. We could think about all these things we will miss, or we could count the ways He has been overly faithful to us during this time!

There is a verse that is on our living room wall here at the house that says "What then shall we say to these things? If GOD is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31 This has been a reminder to us through seasons of blessings and seasons of difficulty that if God is for us, if He is leading us and we are following after him living out of the relationship we have with Him, who can be against us! Who can come against our God? Who can be victorious over Him? And if He is the one that is guiding us, leading us where He wants us, who can come against that? Oh yes, there will be difficult circumstances we face, but we can face those knowing that our God has the victory! I think about 1 Thessalonians 5:24 that says "He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it." He will accomplish His purpose! I am so thankful that as believers we get to be part of that! I am so thankful that I cannot stop what I did not start! He started this! He has called us, and He will complete it, because He is so faithful!

Prayer Requests:
*Please pray for us as we travel to Las Vegas.
                       -The plan is to leave Wednesday morning and arrive in Las Vegas Friday afternoon.
                       -We are driving a 16ft rental truck that is going to pull a dolly with one of our cars and                         then we will also be driving a separate car.

*Two of our friends from Carthage will be traveling with us to Las Vegas.  Pray for their families as they are away and their travel back to Carthage.

*Pray for our house here in Carthage to sell! We have had a few people look at the house, but no offers yet.

*Pray for our family here as we get ready to leave. Pray for peace for them about this journey.

* Pray for FBC Carthage as they continue to seek after the heart of God for His guidance during this time of transition.

Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement during this time! We are so blessed by you all!

-Also, we are forming a prayer support team for Ohana Church. If you would like to be part of this team, please leave a comment with your email address, or you can email us at

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Joy Is In The Journey

(Layne and I, 8 years ago)

We had a saying in Las Vegas which said "The Joy Is In The Journey".  For Layne and I, that has been a statement we lived from the inside out.  Our faith in God made us totally dependent on Him.  We would have never known that our journey in life would bring us to the spot we are at right now.  Layne and her family moved from TN to Vegas in 2001, I arrived in Vegas in 2002.  Our paths would cross, and we began courting in 2005.  On August 8, 2008 Layne and I were married, what a great day!  The following year we would move to Layne's home state of Tennessee.  After our arrival I would accept a Pastoral position with First Baptist Church in Carthage, TN.

After 10 years of being a part of this journey of faith, God has affirmed our long term goal of planting churches all over the state of Hawai'i and through out the world.  On Monday, our few friends from Carthage will help Layne and I pack a 16ft Budget moving truck.  We will say our last good byes to a few loved ones on Tuesday, and head back to Vegas on Wednesday.  We plan to arrive in Vegas early Friday afternoon.  We will do a year of training in Las Vegas, and then move to my homestate of Hilo, Hi.

The joy in our Journey is this...

We surrendered to the will of God, because of His spirit that indwells within us.  We understand that this life is not about us, but about the one who gave us life.  We are looking forward to both our good and challenging times that are up a head.  We are also looking forward to seeing people transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  There is a whole lot of uncertainty when you follow Christ, but that's what faith is for;  believing even when it does not make sense, in time it will.

Journey Partners, you will receive a prayer email soon from our Coordinator Kandy Smith.  Please pray for us faithfully, we are more desperate for God then we have ever been.  We do all of this because of Christ!

Make much of Him!

Pastor Zeke

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Journey Of Prayer

 (Baptizing 4 teens on my last Sunday)

Grace and Peace to you the Saints of Jesus Christ,

Layne and I are on an emotional journey as we said farewell to FBC Carthage on Sunday.  We felt so loved and appreciated by them as they honored us with many gifts of encouragement.  Our fellowship also commissioned us in each service, and our Pastor preached through Colossians 1:24-29 entitled PREACH CHRIST!  That is why we breathe, it is to make much of Christ in fulfilling the great commission.  Thank you FBC Carthage for your co-labor in the faith, and being a sending church for the Kingdom of God!

The life of a follower of Jesus must be one that is completely dependent on God through prayer.  My mentor Vance Pitman adopted a quote by Oswald Chambers that has impacted the people of Hope Church in Las Vegas, NV.  The quote states "We don't work before we pray, prayer is the work then God works".  This puts all the attention on the Glory of God.  As we pray and place our dependence on God, His glory is then pressed out of our lives in transforming many other lives.  God is making a name for Himself globally, and He is doing it through Prayer.

Part of our journey is to invite families to join us practically.  Right now, Layne and I have sought out a few families to pray about joining Ohana Church as staff partners.  We have also invited families to join us as layman supporters on the Big Island; where they would relocate to the Islands, find jobs there, and be a part of the Journey of Ohana Church.  These are huge request to ask people, but for believers in Christ our main goal is seeing the Great Commissioned fulfilled.  Let's continue to call people to give up their possessions, and leave comfort for the sake of Christ (Luke 14).  This is not just for Hawaii, but this is a challenge to the ends of the earth.

Lastly, I want to introduce you all to Dr. Kandy Smith.  Layne and I met Kandy through FBC Carthage.  She serves on the Worship Team as our Organist, and also serves in our Library ministry.  Over the past 2 1/2 years God has developed in her heart a missions cry for prayer.  I have personally seen God move mightily through Kandy and her desperation for God through prayer.  God placed Kandy on our hearts to be the Prayer Coordinator for Ohana Church locally, and globally.  Beginning August 1 (the day we leave TN), Kandy will begin emailing out prayer needs and request.  You can partner with us by emailing Kandy at, and requesting to be on our prayer chain team.

Mahalo Nui Loa, Kingdom Partners!

Pastor Zeke

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Our Last Week Serving at FBC Carthage

   Last week was a great week at Student Life summer camp with our students! The theme for the week was Audacious. We looked at 1 Corinthians 16:13 that challenges us as believers to "Be on 'our' guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong." God was at work in amazing ways during our time at camp. It was amazing to see Him reveal Truth from His word, and then give us the opportunity to put this into practice. We also got to experience a very sweet time of worship. One night a big storm came through the area and knocked the power out during our evening worship service. After a little while of trying to gain back power, the house lights were brought back up and one of the lead singers of the band came out and led us in worship. I cannot begin to describe how incredible the sound of 2,000 people praising God in the midst of a storm is! It was absolutely overwhelming! I am so thankful that I was able to be a part of that sweet time!
    It has been an interesting week since we have been back from camp. Bittersweet is the best we can describe it. This has been our last week serving at FBC Carthage. We have enjoyed the last two and a half years as we have built relationships with some amazing people and seen God move in amazing ways! This coming Sunday will be our official last day. Pray for us as we say our good-byes, and pray for FBC Carthage as they seek direction from the Lord for this time.
   This Saturday we will have an orientation meeting for our Launch training. We are excited about all that is in store for us through this training! We got back from summer camp Saturday to find our launch packet on our doorstep! Needless to say the next few months will be filled with reading for both of us! :) (Fortunately more for Zeke than for me!) :)
   We have also begun the packing process! This is probably my least favorite part of the journey! We are at the stage that we have to begin packing, but there are also many things we cannot pack until time gets closer for us to leave. It is never easy to pack up and move, but God has blessed us to be able to look back on 2 years of great memories, and also look ahead to all that He has planned for us! We are so excited to begin this time of training for the work He has called us to in Hawaii.
   Please continue to pray for us during this transition. We are absolutely dependent on the Lord during this time, just as we are at any other time in our lives. Thank you for your continued love and support of us during this time!

Prayer Needs:
  • Pray for us as we travel to supporting churches to share with them the vision God has given us for   Ohana Church.
  • Pray that our house will sell. We have had some interest, but nothing serious.
  •  Pray for our move from Tennessee back to Las Vegas. We will leave August 1st.
  • Pray for our Launch training. Pray that God would speak to us through this training and refine the vision He has given us for Ohana Church.
  • Pray for us as we say good-bye to family and friends here in Tennessee. Pray that these relationships would only grow as we follow God's call on our lives.
